course examines the internal structure of words and the rules by which word
formation takes place and provides an introductory study of English grammar
from a formal perspective. It covers such topics as lexical items, morphemes, inflection,
derivation, compounding, and word elements. During the course learning mostly
through inquiry and discovery, students are introduced to defined concepts with
clarifying examples followed by exercises in applying the principle involved on
cases pertinent to the topics and analyzing the cases in prescribed ways.
This course is designed to develop students competence in literal reading (i.e. knowing and comprehending) of non-fictional texts at post-intermediate level, emphasizing the use of appropriate reading strategies to identify the meaning and use of unfamiliar lexical items, the topic and the main idea from supporting details of the texts; understand explicit information; skim and scan specific information; understand the communicative value of sentences; and recognize types of writing. Thus, the learning outcomes are developing on the skills of analyzing, paraphrasing, speed-reading, and reading critically.